Mediator Release Test
via Oxford Clinical Laboratory
Unlock the Mystery of Food Sensitivity
Do you ever find yourself experiencing discomfort after a meal, yet you’re left puzzled as to why? From inflammation to reflux, headaches to joint discomfort, and energy depletion, the symptoms can be overwhelming.
Say goodbye to the guesswork! Unlike conventional tests, Oxford Clinical Laboratory’s food sensitivity assessments delve into various hypersensitivity reactions, providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the culprits behind your discomfort. With this knowledge, embark on an elimination diet tailored to your needs, alleviating symptoms without unnecessary dietary restrictions. Could your symptoms be linked to what you eat?
Perhaps you’re grappling with food sensitivities.
Identifying the triggers can be daunting! The market is flooded with food sensitivity tests, each vying for attention with promises of relief.
But, are these tests trustworthy? How do you discern the superior food sensitivity test?
What sets the Mediator Release Test (MRT) apart from conventional panels?
Understanding Food Sensitivities
Food sensitivities occur when your immune system reacts to specific foods.
Unlike allergies, sensitivity reactions often manifest after a delay and are dose-dependent. This means that a food consumed yesterday could manifest symptoms today or even tomorrow!
While food allergies activate only one immune pathway, sensitivities can engage two distinct pathways in your body, leading to symptoms. These pathways, known as type III and type IV reactions, involve antibodies (such as IgG, IgA, or IgM) or white blood cells.
Regardless of the pathway, all food sensitivity reactions culminate in the release of immune mediators from your white blood cells. It’s this release of mediators that triggers the unwanted symptoms associated with food sensitivities.
Common symptoms include:
- Abdominal discomfort or bloating
- Digestive irregularities like constipation or diarrhea
- Acid reflux
- Headaches
- Skin issues like acne or eczema
- Persistent fatigue
- Mood disturbances like depression
- Cognitive fog
- Exacerbation of autoimmune conditions
- Joint discomfort
Each individual may exhibit a unique response to food sensitivity reactions, resulting in a diverse array of potential symptoms. If you suspect a specific food is exacerbating your symptoms, consider undergoing food sensitivity testing.
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